Adult Jiu-Jitsu

Arte Suave: The Gentle Art

Brazilian (Gracie) Jiu-Jitsu is often referred to as the "gentle art" for several reasons:

  1. Emphasis on technique: BJJ places a strong emphasis on technique and leverage, allowing practitioners to overcome larger and stronger opponents by using proper technique and body mechanics. This focus on technical proficiency rather than brute strength is what makes it the "gentle" art.

  2. Minimization of injury: BJJ also promotes the idea of controlled sparring and rolling, where practitioners can train at a high intensity without causing excessive harm to their training partners. The emphasis on submissions, joint locks, and chokes is designed to apply pressure without causing serious injury.

  3. Adaptability and versatility: BJJ is known for its adaptability and versatility in various situations, including self-defense and sport. It allows practitioners to apply techniques in a gentle manner when necessary or escalate to more forceful methods if required.

  4. Philosophical aspects: BJJ has a strong philosophical component that promotes humility, respect, and the avoidance of unnecessary aggression. This aligns with the idea of using gentle techniques to achieve success on the mat.

While "gentle" is used to describe BJJ, it's important to note that it can be a physically demanding and challenging martial art. The term "gentle" should not be mistaken for it being easy; rather, it reflects the art's focus on technique, leverage, and control as opposed to sheer force and aggression.

Types of Classes:

5:30am Class: Our early morning class is so early that even the roosters are hitting the snooze button, making it the perfect workout for early risers and business folks looking to grapple with their friends before grappling with deadlines.

12:00pm Class: Our afternoon class is the ultimate midday martial art, catering to everyone from office ninjas to freelancing samurais looking to "roll" with the punches for lunch.

6:00pm Class: Our evening evening class is like the perfect stress-release recipe to help you stop grappling with life’s problems: choke out the worries, and armbar your anxieties, so you can tuck them in and say goodnight.

War Room Fridays: Every other friday night the energy is palpable as the school opens to members and non-members to engage in situational sparring & intense rolling sessions creating an atmosphere of shared learning, friendly competition, and a collective pursuit of mastery on the mats.

Saturday Class: Our weekend class is a focused journey into the fundamentals, where eager practitioners dive deep into core techniques, honing their foundation with meticulous drills and detailed instruction.


Kids Jiu-Jitsu